Why cant I sleep-Recap
Hello follow non sleepers
So If you haven't had a look at the series that on Creative Sleep Tips (pt.1) and (pt.2) then you should definitely take a look so you can be up to speed on what we have covered so far and find some of the great tips that we have taken a look at.
So just to recap and make sure we are all still on the same page I just wanted to take a look back and make sure we all know what we have covered so far!
These are all tips I have read in 3 special books and also learned from the many doctors I have seen and tests that I have gone through to finally get to where I' am now which is being able to sleep and I want to share all of this with everyone to avoid costly doctor visits and tests and to help someone who maybe cant afford to pay for all of these doctor visits because it is expensive however maybe your insurance covers it! so yay if it does!
First before we get to much further into the recap I just wanted to point something out we should all do and try...maybe you already do this so forgive me for being repetitive or saying something you know already...but what side of your body do you lay on? 1 quick fact for having a healthy sleep is to lay on your right side! yep you right side, the reason for this is for 2 reasons, 1 your liver is on your left side and your heart is on your right and believe it or not laying on your left side pushes on your hear and laying on your right side keeps everything in mind so maybe when your sleeping and you hear that...pump pump...pump pump...pump pump...pump pump...its because of the compression on your heart from laying the wrong way...Just a quick tip I wanted to point out!
So now for the recap, lets dive into it
1. We talked about doing a little bit of extra exercises and it doesn't mean running a marathon it just simply means to do a little walk around the block, or walk a bit further with the dog, or go for a walk when you check the mail. Simple right! this actually helps
2. we talked about limiting stimulants and smoking (which is a stimulant) and energy drinks-basically anything with caffeine before bed and not having it after dinner, try to watch this one.
3. we talked about keeping your alarm clock out of your sight and not looking at it when your in bed, laying there worrying thinking....oh my god its 1 am, I have to be up in 6 hours, is not a good thing and actually keeps you awake because the anxiety it creates, it revs up your brain.
4. Don't check your email or phone in bed- it gets your thinking about things like world news which can create stress, work which can create stress, and too much about what's going on around you instead of allowing you to sleep.
5. We talked about that all important one week challenge, if you haven't all ready about it check part 2 of the creative sleeping tips...I challenge you not to a duel but to take the one week challenge and see how that works!
6. do not bring electronics into the bedroom and if you have to bring your cell phone with you turn it over. all electronic emit what's called a blue light which actually engages the brain and keeps your awake because the brain once again revs up which revs us up!
7. Light exposure! Black out shades do a great job of this and posted about them in part 1 but you still need to limit light, just like turning your phone over its important to limit the light and basically think of it like your wanting it to be like Dracula's room...DARK!!
8. I know some of us like to be warm when we are in bed and we should be to a point. You should know this...your body doesn't start to go into a nice deep sleep mode until it has cooled its core temperature by 1-3 degrees! No you don't need the a/c on in the winter but opening the window a jar can work wonders...its creates that cozy feeling you get under the blankets which means your mind is starting to rest, which means your in sleep mode...yep its true!
9. if your a smoker like I' am unfortunately, you should have 'the last smoke of the night' no later than 1 hour before bed...smoking is a stimulant...as much as you think it relaxes you it is another rever upper.
10. reverse psychology....it works on the kids and dogs and cats and everyone else in between so when your laying in bed...focused on trying to sleep....do the opposite! focus on trying to stay awake and avoid counting sheep...it just keeps you thinking and again revs the mind up
11. don't allow your mind to rev up and try to relax, develop a routine. Make yourself go to bed at a certain time and get up at a certain time every morning and do this for 6 days per week every week. this helps build a routine and sets your body clock so eventually going to sleep will be easy and waking up even easier!!
I just want to end this saying I will have part 3 of the 4 part series up today...My goes is to get this series out to you and everyone else, all of use who are experiencing the same issues and sharing what has worked for me is something I'm very fond of doing because I lived with it for 3 and a half years!!
I'm excited to help you all through this and working together because like I said this is a team thing and we will get this working and get your sleeping! I' am also going to make a post on a sleep aid but a natural sleep aid. Sleep aids prescribed by doctors are hard on the body, have major and many side effects and also can do the opposite of what we are trying to do which is easily fall asleep and wake up easier...doctor prescribed sleep aids make it very very hard to wake up! I'm sure your all know that so we will cover that in another topic!
to Sum up I appreciate any feed back that you may offer to me along the way and I'm looking forward to the end result and check back for a lot more information and reviews on some great products that work and some you should run away from!
Stay tuned for more information and Part 3!
Until then my freaky non sleepers! take care!
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